May 2013 President’s Message
Funding Cut! They Need Us Now More Than Ever!
I am looking out the window as thoughts come together for this Newsletter article. Green leaves, green grass, flowers, lawn mowers, weed eaters, patios, barbeque, fishing, possible golf, and fresh outside air come to mind. These are a few of the things that make this my most favorite time of the year. I sincerely hope that all is well with retired educators and the entire MRTA family.
Every effort is being made to get information out across the state about the purpose, objectives, and activities of the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF). It is important that we get that information all the way down to the Local Unit level. By the end of June, I will have attended 10 Regional meetings since October of 2012. MRTA President Hargens and MRTA Director Kreider have covered in the other meetings. I have encouraged all MRTF Board members to help keep everyone informed, especially Local Units in their Regions.
As mentioned in previous Newsletters, the Foundation was able to give one Classroom Grant to each of the 14 MRTA regions in 2012. Each grant was $500 for a total of $7,000. The Foundation Board would like to double, even triple the number of grants for 2013. As funding to public schools continues to be cut, classroom teachers and students are finding themselves doing without much needed classroom materials. The Foundation continues to seek donations for major building improvements; and, the MRTF Endowment Fund has been created where the principal will never be spent.
If you are a current MRTA member you have received the MRTF mailing label campaign information by now. An overview of the contents is on page 7 of this newsletter. The mailing contained a personalized notepad, mailing labels, and a personal letter. Please review the material carefully. This is a MAJOR FUNDRAISER for the Foundation. The Foundation was established in 2001 and due to your past generosity MRTF has awarded fifty-six $1,000 scholarships and fifty-three $500 classroom grants to active teachers. Also, remember a building lot was purchased, a new office building was built, and the MORTGAGE BURNED.
Please remember that the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF) is a not-for- profit organization incorporated under the State of Missouri and approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c) (3) public charity. All donations to the Foundation are tax-exempt.
Your past response to Foundation fundraising efforts has been phenomenal. “THANK YOU” and please consider continuing your support for the Foundation activities. Remember the mailing label envelope that says—THEY NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER!