
Missouri children need you now more than ever! Please donate today! MRTF is a 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Foundation.

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August 2017 – MRTF President’s Message

MRTA’s BEST Public Relations Tool

Hey, want to get the word out? Ask retired school personnel to help!!!

In 2016, MRTF received 251 applications for our 70 available $500 grants. This year, we received 461 applications for our 84 available $500 grants. WOW!!!! We REALLY got the word out!! That means more active Missouri school personnel know about us and they are learning what we can do for them and education in our state.

The 14 regional grant committees will be meeting soon (if they haven’t met already). We’ll soon be making 84 teachers around the state very happy with a $500 MRTF grant check. But what about the 377 that don’t receive a grant? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could make ALL of them happy, too? To do that we would obviously need more money. One source for that money is coming up at the MRTA Annual Meeting, September 12 & 13 – the MRTF Silent Auction! Please participate as a donor AND as a bidder. The money raised ALL goes to the MRTF Classroom Grant program and moves us closer to funding all of the grant requests we get – making a lot more Missouri educators very happy.

May 2017 – MRTF President’s Message

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!! I can’t say it enough! Our latest Missouri Retired Teacher Foundation fundraiser, Give Ozarks, was a huge success because of our dedicated and generous members, and units.

Give Ozarks was a 24 hour, online fundraising opportunity offered to the non-profit Agency Partners of Community Foundation of the Ozarks (CFO). CFO holds MRTF’s endowment funds so we were eligible to participate. We did participate in 2016, but we only made $537. This year, 240 agencies participated in Give Ozarks and all were offered the opportunity to apply for a $5,000 matching grant from CFO. MRTF applied and was fortunate to be one of the 20 agencies selected. So the pressure mounted to make this project successful.

In March, at the Presidents’ Summit, I challenged all of our local units to raise at least $50 and donate it to MRTF on May 9, through Give Ozarks. I also challenged each of the MRTA and MRTF board members to make a $25 donation, which MRTF Past President, Walt Cochran immediately “upped” to a $100 challenge.

The issue for MRTF was to make sure that we “got the word out.” The MRTA office and I sent multiple email reminders to board members and Unit Presidents. We made a lot of Facebook posts. Videos sent in by last year’s Classroom Grant winners were posted. We worked to spread the word at multiple MRTA Region meetings. Well, thank goodness we did because it worked!!! Before noon on May 9, we had met our $5,000 goal to receive a $5,000 match. But the fun wasn’t over; MRTF received an hourly prize for the 6 -7 p.m. hour of $1,500! Thanks to those of you who donated during that hour, our name was put in the “hat” and drawn for the hourly prize! We ended the 24 hours with a grand total of $14,623.91!!!

But, wait there’s more! A week later we found out that one of the agencies selected for the matching grant wasn’t able to complete their match so the extra money was split among the other 19 eligible agencies and additional donations were matched at $433.61!! (Boy, am I glad we didn’t stop donating when we reach our goal!) I am so very proud to announce that our total raised was $15,057.52!!! MRTF had around 110 donations during the 24 hours and we ended up having the 19th (out of 240 – aren’t you proud? I certainly am!!!) highest dollar total for the day. This money is going into a permanent endowment fund – permanent money for classroom grants for Missouri public school classroom teachers!!!

Speaking of classroom grants, have you received your new MRTA/MRTF mailing labels and notepad? This fundraiser is our individual members’ chance to make a donation directly to the Classroom Grant Fund, the Endowment Fund or the Building Improvement/Maintenance Fund – it’s your choice. In December, your MRTF board voted to award 84 – $500 classroom grants in 2017, that is six grants in each of our 14 regions of the state. Which is a total of $42,000 that MRTF will award to current classroom teachers in August. Our Classroom Grants program is MRTA and MRTF’s biggest and best public relations tool! Won’t you please help us again by making a donation AND by sharing the grant application that came in that mailing?

I need to end like I started – thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!! I REALLY can’t say it enough! It is an honor and a privilege to work with such generous and dedicated people.


Karen Miller
MRTF President


January 2017 – MRTF President’s Message

Greetings to the entire “MRTA/MRTF Family”. CHRISTMAS will be over and we will be well into the NEW YEAR OF 2017 by the time you receive this edition of “MRTA In Motion”. The Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation Board of Directors would like to wish everyone a HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.

I would like to begin by saying this will be my last article as Foundation Board President. I stepped down as President of the MRTF Board, Board Member, and MRTA Board Member on December 13, 2016. Please allow me a few moments to talk about this decision. I retired from the Nevada R-5 School System in 1999, joined the Vernon County Retired Educators in Nevada, and joined MRTA. Gail and I attended a few MRTA State Meetings over 4-5 years. These meetings were a wonderful learning experience as to what MRTA was all about and the progress being made for retired educators across the state. What a pleasure it was to watch the leadership of Rosemary Bane, Jane Fullerton, Ron Marsch, Fred Price, Veronica Hambacker, Eleanor Howell, Larry Beal, Maggie Elder, Jan Powers, Garland Hamilton, Owen Jackson, Betty Beal, Ron Schlimme, Don Wyss, and SO MANY MORE over those years. Remember it was 2003 that the MRTA Board of Directors hired the first full-time Executive Director, Jim Kreider. ONE OF THE BEST DECISIONS MADE SINCE I RETIRED, IF NOT THE BEST, WAS IN 2005. I decided to try and get involved at the leadership level with MRTA. (2006-Region 6 VP)(2010-MRTA State President)(2011-Foundation Board member)(2012-Foundation Board President).

I mentioned this involvement for one simple reason. MRTA/MRTF gave Gail and me the opportunity to drive many miles across the state—see places we had never seen—make many trips to Jefferson City—attend many MRTA Region meetings on behalf of MRTA and MRTF—and attend many Local Unit meetings. Here is the best part. THE ACQUAINTANCES AND FRIENDSHIPS MADE HAVE TRULY BEEN A BLESSING TO BOTH OF US. WHAT A WONDERFUL AND FANTASTIC GROUP OF PEOPLE RETIRED EDUCATORS ARE IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI.

A few remarks about the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF). First, A BIG THANK YOU to the Office Staff and Jim Kreider for their help over the years, Second, A BIG THANK YOU to the Foundation Board of Directors for their support of Foundation activities the past several years. Third, A BIG THANK YOU to the MRTA Family across the state for their financial support of Foundation activities (the Office Facility, the Elevator, Silent Auction, Year End Letters, and the Classroom Grant Program). Hats off to everyone who has given to these efforts. Fourth, A BIG THANK YOU to KAREN MILLER and JACK POSTON for stepping up to Leadership positions on the Foundation Board of Directors. The Foundation Board and Leadership will be in very good hands. Karen will do a super job as Foundation President and Jack as Vice President. Fifth, AGAIN THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH AND PLEASE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT the fundraising activities of the Foundation. The Classroom Grant Program is growing in awareness and popularity across the state. The program does so much good for teachers and hundreds of students across the state. The program will also pay huge benefits to MRTA in membership for years to come.

Finally, it is time to step down and for Gail and me to direct our full time attention to other things. I will continue to support MRTA/MRTF to the fullest and LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING EVERYONE IN THE FUTURE at Annual Meetings. REMEMBER, the battle will continue and it will take all of us to fight the “Bad Folks” in the state legislature.



Walter Cochran
MRTF President

January 2016 – MRTF President’s Message

Greetings to the “MRTA/MRTF FAMILY.” The Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation Board of Directors would like to wish everyone a HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! May 2016 be the very best for you and your families.

I would like to begin by remembering the loss of a Foundation Board member. Jim Orr passed away on December 18, 2015. He represented Region 9 on the Foundation Board of Directors. Jim’s wife, Vicki, is MRTA Region 9 Vice President. Jim was in his third term as Mayor of Monett and was preparing to run for a fourth term. Jim Orr will be missed by the Foundation Board, the city of Monett, and the vocational and technical education areas statewide and nationally. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Vicki and the entire Orr family.

The Foundation Board of Directors would like to inform you of a few results of the Annual Meeting last December.

New Foundation Board officers were elected for 2016. These include:
Walt Cochran – President
Karen Miller – Vice President
Jenifer Young – Secretary
Jim Kreider – Treasurer

It is my pleasure to announce two new members to the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation Board. Mary Jo Tweedie and Jack Poston will represent Region 11. Welcome Mary Jo and Jack!

Much of our December meeting is always concerned with fundraising activities. 2015 was a very good year for the Foundation. The Silent Auction last September was the best ever with a little over $10,000 raised. The Year End Campaign and the Mailing Label Campaign were very successful for 2015. Also, more and more people are designating their PSRS Death Benefit to the Foundation. Finally, we really appreciate MRTA members donating their meeting expenses to the Foundation.

Remember the days of the Jerry Lewis Telethons? Each one was a 24 hour call-in-driven “Giving Day”. The telethons were very successful in raising money. The Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation has been given the opportunity to participate in the 21st Century version of a “Giving Day”. This version is a 24-hour online fundraising competition sponsored by MRTF’s Endowment Fund manager, Community Foundation of the Ozarks. The day is called Give Ozarks. We will spend a 24-hour period on May 3, 2016, working to build MRTF’s Endowment Fund. Remember the Endowment Fund is “permanent” money that can be used to support MRTF’s fundraising goals. Those goals include Classroom Grants, Building Maintenance/Improvements, and the Endowment Fund. Stay tuned for details coming in the future.

Finally, the Foundation Board discussed the number of CLASSROOM GRANTS for 2016. The Foundation Board of Directors is very proud of this program. The number of grants has increased significantly the last several years (2009-5, 2010-7, 2011-14, 2012-14, 2013-44, 2014-44, and 2015-56). Each grant is for the amount of five hundred dollars ($500). Last year each of the 14 MRTA Regions received 4 grants. I am pleased to announce the Board voted to give 5 grants to each of the 14 Regions in 2016. This will be a total of seventy (70) five hundred dollar ($500) grants.

On behalf of the Foundation Board of Directors, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROSITY in supporting the fundraising activities of the Foundation. We look forward to your continued support in the future. The next fundraising activity will be the Mailing Label Campaign in April. Please support us in this effort as we work toward MRTF Classroom Grants, MRTF Building Improvement/Maintenance Fund and the MRTF Endowment Fund.

Walter Cochran
MRTF President

August 2015 MRTF President’s Message

Greetings to the “MRTA FAMILY” from the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF). In the May edition, I mentioned green leaves, green grass, and blooming flowers. Guess what? Things are still very green with lots of rain. We should enjoy because it is unusual for this time of the year. Yards are not burned up yet, but it is getting very warm.

I would like to touch briefly on two quick items in this edition of MRTA In Motion. First is the status of the 2015 Classroom Grants. The fourteen MRTA Region Vice Presidents are very busy organizing the selection committees in their regions for the grants. Some regions have already made their selections. The due date for grant applications was June 30. The goal is to have the checks in the hands of winners by the time school starts. The Foundation Board of Directors is very proud of this program. 2015 will be the BEST YEAR EVER with the number of grants available. Each of the fourteen (14) MRTA regions will receive four (4) grants for a total of fifty-six (56) CLASSROOM GRANTS in 2015. Each grant will be in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500). The number of grants has increased significantly the last several years (2009-5, 2010-7, 2011-14, 2012-14, 2013-44, 2014-44, and 2015-56). The continuing and generous support of the (MRTA FAMILY) makes this wonderful program possible. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH.

The second item to mention is the upcoming SILENT AUCTION to be held in conjunction with the MRTA ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting will be held at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City on Wednesday/Thursday, September 16-17, 2015. The flyer below as well as a bid sheet was included in the packet of information about the annual meeting and was sent to Local Unit Presidents earlier. Last year’s Auction was the most successful ever. The number of items and money received ($9,000) was a record. Karen Miller and Jan Powers will Co-Chair the auction this year. We really appreciate the wonderful support of INDIVIDUALS AND LOCAL UNITS in this event. Let’s make 2015 a BIGGER and BETTER result than last year. All proceeds to the Silent Auction will go toward the CLASSROOM GRANT PROGRAM.


Walter Cochran
MRTF President

August 2013 President’s Message

I was looking out the window ready for leaves, green grass, lawn mowers, etc. in the last Newsletter. Now I am looking out the window at all the things that need to be done. All of it will have to wait. Greetings to all the MRTA family. Please be cautious and safe with the summer heat.

The past several months have been an exciting time for the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF). It is important that we get information out across the state about Foundation activities. We need to get this information all the way down to the Local Unit level. I was able to attend eight Regional meetings since October 2012. MRTA President Hargens and MRTA Director Kreider spoke about the Foundation in the other Regional meetings. I have encouraged all MRTF Board members to speak about Foundation activities when they have the opportunity.

It is very encouraging to see the interest expressed and the generosity given to the Foundation in these meetings. THANK YOU TO THE ENTIRE MRTA FAMILY. Response to the year end “ASK LETTERS” of 2012 was better than ever. The MAILING LABEL CAMPAIGN last April was likewise very successful. Attention is now being turned toward the SILENT AUCTION to be held at the September Annual Meeting in Jefferson City. A Silent Auction flyer was included in the mailing to MRTA/MRTF Board Members and Local Unit Presidents for the Fall Annual Meeting. The Silent Auction has been a successful fundraising activity at the Fall Annual Meeting. Please review the flyer in the mailing and in this issue of the Newsletter on Page 11. All proceeds from the Silent Auction will go to the MRT Foundation Classroom Grant Program. We encourage members of both Boards (MRTA/MRTF) and all MRTA Local Units to participate. SPECIAL THANKS to Jan Powers and Veronica Hambacker for being Co-Chairs of the Silent Auction this year. Contact either Jan, Veronica, or the MRTAofficeifyouhaveanyquestionsabout the auction. Their contact information is on the flyer.

The Foundation Board was able to give one (1) five hundred dollar ($500) classroom grant to each of the fourteen (14) MRTA Regions in 2012. The Board voted in December of 2012 to set a goal of issuing two (2) classroom grants per region in 2013. We will be able to do that because of YOUR GENEROSITY with Foundation fundraising activities. The Board will meet again this coming September.

I hope to be able to ask the Board to increase it to three (3) classroom grants per MRTA Region. The success of the 2013 Silent Auction will HELP MAKE THIS POSSIBLE.

Please remember that the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF) is a not-for- profit organization incorporated under the State of Missouri and approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) public charity. All donations are tax-exempt. On behalf of the MRT Foundation Board, we look forward to seeing everyone at the Annual Fall Meeting, September 9-10, 2013. THREE GRANTS PER REGION WOULD BE A TOTAL OF $21,000.

Walter Cochran — MRTF President

May 2013 President’s Message

Funding Cut! They Need Us Now More Than Ever!

I am looking out the window as thoughts come together for this Newsletter article. Green leaves, green grass, flowers, lawn mowers, weed eaters, patios, barbeque, fishing, possible golf, and fresh outside air come to mind. These are a few of the things that make this my most favorite time of the year. I sincerely hope that all is well with retired educators and the entire MRTA family.

Every effort is being made to get information out across the state about the purpose, objectives, and activities of the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF). It is important that we get that information all the way down to the Local Unit level. By the end of June, I will have attended 10 Regional meetings since October of 2012. MRTA President Hargens and MRTA Director Kreider have covered in the other meetings. I have encouraged all MRTF Board members to help keep everyone informed, especially Local Units in their Regions.

As mentioned in previous Newsletters, the Foundation was able to give one Classroom Grant to each of the 14 MRTA regions in 2012. Each grant was $500 for a total of $7,000. The Foundation Board would like to double, even triple the number of grants for 2013. As funding to public schools continues to be cut, classroom teachers and students are finding themselves doing without much needed classroom materials. The Foundation continues to seek donations for major building improvements; and, the MRTF Endowment Fund has been created where the principal will never be spent.

If you are a current MRTA member you have received the MRTF mailing label campaign information by now. An overview of the contents is on page 7 of this newsletter. The mailing contained a personalized notepad, mailing labels, and a personal letter. Please review the material carefully. This is a MAJOR FUNDRAISER for the Foundation. The Foundation was established in 2001 and due to your past generosity MRTF has awarded fifty-six $1,000 scholarships and fifty-three $500 classroom grants to active teachers. Also, remember a building lot was purchased, a new office building was built, and the MORTGAGE BURNED.

Please remember that the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF) is a not-for- profit organization incorporated under the State of Missouri and approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c) (3) public charity. All donations to the Foundation are tax-exempt.

Your past response to Foundation fundraising efforts has been phenomenal. “THANK YOU” and please consider continuing your support for the Foundation activities. Remember the mailing label envelope that says—THEY NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER!

January 2013 President’s Message

The New Year is an excellent time to reflect, reassess priorities, and look to the future. What a wonderful year 2012 was for MRTA and MRTF. A BIG THANK YOU goes to MRTA members and the fundraising activities of Local Units across the state. Your financial support came from the mailing label campaign, silent auction, and the year end ASK letters. The BUILDING LOAN was paid for and the MORTGAGE WAS BURNED in record time.

The MRTF Board of Directors met for the annual meeting at the MRTA/MRTF office on December 11, 2012. Officers were elected for 2013. (President—Walt Cochran, Vice-President—Maggie Elder, Secretary—Ruby Vincent, and Treasurer—Jim Kreider) The MRTF Board and the entire MRTA membership would like to express appreciation and thanks to two members leaving the MRTF Board. The two members are Bill Wasson and Garland Hamilton. Both served the Foundation and Association well and will be missed. New members joining the MRTF Board are former MRTA President Jan Powers and Jim Orr. Jan is from Warrensburg and Jim is from Monett.

I cannot overstate the excitement I feel about the MRTF Board of Directors. The enthusiasm, energy, ideas expressed, all suggest a bright future for MRTF. As stated in an earlier Newsletter, the Foundation will now be solely responsible for fundraising. It is time to SHIFT GEARS in determining how the money raised is spent. We are in the process of updating the MRTF Brochure and the MRTF Website. Response to the end of year ASK letters has been very promising. Plans are being made to launch the mailing label campaign in the spring. Discussion is under way for the Silent Auction at the Annual Fall Meeting in September. We want to get information out to the Local Units in the Spring so they will have time to prepare for the Auction. Jan Powers and Veronica Hambacker will co-chair the Silent Auction. The goal will be to make enough from the Silent Auction to provide one round of fourteen (14) classroom grants of five hundred (500) dollars each.

The MRTF Board would like to express a big THANK YOU to the fourteen MRTA Regional Vice Presidents. They did a SUPER JOB of forming committees, screening the grant applications for their region, and making the final selection of each regional winner. The turn around time in the process was excellent. Checks have been cut and presentations made in all fourteen regions. I am very pleased to announce the MRTF Board voted to DOUBLE the number of classroom grants for 2013. This would increase the number of grants from fourteen (14) to twenty eight (28) five hundred dollar ($500) grants, allowing two grants for each region.

The MRT Foundation Board will continue with familiar fundraisers as well as looking at any new and worthwhile fundraisers that might surface. I will be in contact with Regional Vice Presidents to encourage them to come up with a fundraising activity at Regional Meetings in 2013 to help support the Foundation.

Speaking for the MRTF Board, “THANK YOU” MRTA members and Local Units for your past generosity to MRTF fundraising activities. Please continue your support to make tax deductible contributions to one of MRTF’s fund choices in the future: MRTF Classroom Grants Fund, Endowment Fund, and Building Maintenance & Improvement Fund.

The MRTF Board of Directors would like to extend to everyone the very best wishes for a HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2013.

November 2012 President’s Message

I would like to open this article with a comment or two about the recent past. The comments deal with the recent passing of Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation President Jane Fullerton. What a tremendous loss this will be for MRTA and MRTF. Her knowledge, leadership, and inspiration will be very difficult to replace. The years of service and dedication she gave cannot be over stated. It was a sincere privilege to have known and worked with her the past several years. Jane was aware the MORTGAGE WOULD BE BURNED at the Annual Meeting last September and that she would be recognized as 2012 MRTA Distinguished Retiree of the Year. I am honored and humbled to have been asked by the MRT Foundation Board to accept Jane’s position of leadership with MRTF.

There is tremendous excitement in the air for MRTA and MRTF in the future. It is now time to “SHIFT GEARS”. MRTA President Mark Hargens will be explaining what that means for MRTA in Region meetings across the state in the next year. Let me take a few moments to explain what this means for MRTF. All MRTA/MRTF fundraising activity for the past several years has been for the building fund or paying off the mortgage. The Foundation will now be solely responsible for fundraising.

The Foundation needs to “SHIFT GEARS” in determining how the money is spent. Yes, WE WILL CONTINUE TO HAVE FUNDRAISERS AND ASK FOR MONEY. This will be our job as a Foundation Board.

There will be fourteen (14) $500 Classroom Grants available next year. This totals $7,000 and would be one grant for each MRTA region. It would be great to increase the number of classroom grants in the future. How about adding a continuing education scholarship for classroom teachers in the future? Maybe one for each region. Funds need to be available for major building improvements or maintenance. Such projects could include roof repair, heat and air problems, office expansion, elevator, etc. A fund has been created for this and it will be called the MRTF Building Improvement and Maintenance Fund. “SHIFTING GEARS” simply means a different focus on spending.

The MRT Foundation Board will continue some familiar fundraisers as well as looking at any new and worthwhile fundraisers that might surface. The Address Label Campaign will continue in 2013. The Silent Auction will continue at the Annual Meeting in September. We will maintain the Wall Tile on the Donor Wall of Fame in the office facility. You will be encouraged to raise your support from one level to another on the Wall. The ultimate goal would be to reach the Legacy level at the top. The PSRS Death Benefit and Endowment Fund would be another way to contribute. Bricks can still be purchased for the Patio around the flag pole. The year end “ASK” letters will be coming shortly to encourage businesses, corporations, and individuals to make a tax deductible contribution to MRTF.

The Foundation was organized in 2001 and is a tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation devoted to raising funds to carry out certain charitable, educational, scientific, and literary purposes of MRTA. All contributions are tax deductible. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded $56,000 in scholarships and thirty-nine (39) $500 classroom grants to help active teachers with classroom projects. Don’t forget the money raised to BUILD THE BUILDING AND PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE.

I want to THANK YOU for your past generosity in all that you have given to MRTA and MRTF. A lot of this money was raised $10 to $50 at a time. MRTF ends the year 2012 with THANKS TO EVERYONE ACROSS THE STATE. Please continue your support to make tax deductible contributions to one of MRTF’s four fund choices: MRTF Building Improvement and Maintenance Fund, Scholarships/Grants, General and Endowment.

I am so excited for the future of MRTA and MRTF. Please accept my most sincere wishes for a happy and healthy 2013.

Walter Cochran — MRTF President

August 2012 President’s Message

Several times lately, I have seen nationally televised vignettes about a retired educator living in a chicken coop because she could not afford anything better.

As the story goes, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, a renounced retired educator, the first woman principal in a high school in the state of California, was searching for a former colleague and found her living in a chicken coop.

(MRTF) is an investment for our future. A gift to MRTF ultimately gives back in the form of services provided for the membership and opportunities for future generations of educators.

As Dr. Andrus stressed the only way to get the most out of our membership is to give something of yourself. The MRTF is prudent with the money it receives from the generosity of its members and encourages all MRTA members and units to make a 2012 contribution to help eliminate the mortgage on our office facility. A generous tax-deductible contribution will insure your legacy for the future. As members we need to communicate a sense of ownership in our building and the organization and the value of new members at all levels–unit, regional, and state.

The Foundation will continue to concentrate its efforts on paying our office facility mortgage, having fundraising activities and to encourage businesses, corporations and individuals to make tax deductible contributions to one of MRTF’s four fund choices, building, scholarship/grant, general and endowment.

Upon finding the address, the principal set out to find her former colleague. The address was in an affluent neighborhood in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. Reaching the address and knocking on the door, she was told that her friend did not live in this house but instead lived out back. What she found that day – a former colleague living in a chicken coop – would eventually spawn an American Institution, the National Retired Teachers Association with units in all 50 states.

She found the former teacher not enjoying her retirement years as she should have been, but rather living in conditions that caused Dr. Andrus to decide that retired educators needed and deserved a support group.

In 1947 Dr. Andrus was the founder of the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA) and became its first president. Andrus and her colleagues focused their efforts to advocate on behalf of retired educators’ quality of life and any issues involving education and educators. She believed that the only way to reap the most from life is to give something of yourself. With this in mind she created the motto: To Serve, Not to Be Served.

Like Dr. Andrus, as educators, we each have our own life story. Stories filled with relationships and events that help shape who we are and what we believe to be true about public education and educators. Dr. Andrus and her RTA organizations became champions for seniors and educators.

In the tradition started by our founder, as MRTA members, we embrace the purposes of the Missouri Retired Teachers Association and Public School Personnel, “To Serve, Not to Be Served.” We give credit to Dr. Andrus that MRTA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots membership organization that helps retired educators to improve their quality of life. An investment in the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF) is an investment for our future. A gift to MRTF ultimately gives back in the form of services provided for the membership and opportunities for future generations of educators.

As Dr. Andrus stressed the only way to get the most out of our membership is to give something of yourself. The MRTF is prudent with the money it receives from the generosity of its members and encourages all MRTA members and units to make a 2012 contribution to help eliminate the mortgage on our office facility. A generous tax-deductible contribution will insure your legacy for the future. As members we need to communicate a sense of ownership in our building and the organization and the value of new members at all levels–unit, regional, and state.

The Foundation will continue to concentrate its efforts on paying our office facility mortgage, having fundraising activities and to encourage businesses, corporations and individuals to make tax deductible contributions to one of MRTF’s four fund choices, building, scholarship/grant, general and endowment.

Jane Fullerton — MRTF President