May 2019 – MRTF President’s Message
I am so happy to congratulate Cleo Willard of Kansas City as the winner of MRTF’s first ever $10,000 Raffle! Cleo was so kind and donated $1,000 of her winnings back to the Foundation to fund two more $500 Classroom Grants! THANK YOU, Cleo!
The $10,000 Raffle was a HUGE success bringing in over $48,000! Those funds will be used to help provide $500 Classroom Grants to needy classrooms throughout the state. We are so thankful to everyone who purchased raffle tickets! Do not forget our motto, “They need us now more than ever.” Please think of MRTF when considering charitable giving this year.
As you know, in the past the Missouri Retired Teachers Foundation (MRTF) has sent an address label fundraiser to MRTA members each spring. The MRTF Board met on December 11, 2018, and voted to hold the $10,000 Raffle instead of the label campaign for 2019. We will still offer mailing labels to those interested for a minimum donation of $25. Please call the office at 877-366-6782 if you would like labels. We have decided to extend this service throughout the year. There is not a deadline, you can request them at any time!
Speaking of $500 Classroom Grants, we will give seven Classroom Grants out in each of the 14 MRTA Regions for the 2019-2020 school year. That is a total of 98 grants or $49,000 to Missouri Classrooms! Please let active teachers in your family or in your area know about this opportunity! Grant applications are available now on our website – just click on Grants right at the top of the page.
I have said so many times, Grants are MRTA’s best P.R. tool. Delivering grant applications to the schools in your area is a great way to get MRTA’s name out there to active teachers. Active teachers need to be aware of what is happening with their retirement just as much as we retirees do!
GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK – The Foundation Board will be meeting again on September 10th to start discussing plans for the 2020 Fundraising Year. We hope to increase our ability to help classrooms across the state even more in the coming year! Please let us know what you thought about the $10,000 Raffle or any fundraising ideas you have by mailing a note to MRTF – 3030 DuPont Circle, Jefferson City, MO 65109, email, or call the MRTA office at 1-877-366-6782 and the MRTA staff can take your message. The results will be presented to the MRTF Board who will take your thoughts into consideration at our upcoming meeting.
Karen Miller
MRTF President